I know I'm totally behind in posting blogs. Its now Friday 12 June as i'm writing this...sorry!
Okay, on Sunday 7 June we packed up and left MIT's campus to go to the airport to catch our flight to Reykjavik. We still didn't know what we were going to do during our 8-hour layover and decided to just wait until we arrived and see what happened.
Our flight was uneventful and pleasant. Each seat has a TV screen and I worked on learning Icelandic with the foreign language program while Josie watched movies. Eventually my screen froze, which turned out to be my curse for that flight and the next...a defunct screen...yes, both flights I had the only one of the flight that didn't work. pretty funny. BUT, fortunately I had bought and earphone splitter at the airport, so Josie and I watched "There's something about mary" on her screen. Kept us giggling.
So we arrived in Iceland, and yes it was still light out at midnight. The woman at the tourist info office advised us against renting a car because nothing would be open and since the economic downturn there are a lot unemployed people and the crime rate has skyrocketed. So, after several phone calls we finally found a guesthouse with vacancy. It was located on the former US military base at the airport. It was a great guesthouse, but located in the former military barracks. Weird. But very nice room, very comfy beds, soft linens and delicious breakfast...oh but that's tomorrow's blog. too bad we only got to sleep in these wonderful beds for about 4 hours!!!